Tuesday, November 2, 2010

God things...

It's been a while since I've written. Thankfully it's not been a while since God has worked!

I attend a weekly Bible study called BSF. Our meetings are held in a huge local church facility. The place is gi-normous and very comfortable. We are blessed indeed.

Now once you reach a certain weight and/or age, and you have to sit for a couple of hours at the time, you become concerned about the furniture you will be sitting on. I guarantee you that if padded pews had not been developed when they were, I would have been the one to come up with the idea! I mean padded pews make ALL the difference!

Well last night's meeting wasn't going to be in our lovely sanctuary with the padded pews. The local church already was booked. We got kicked to...are you ready for it.....the GYM (ok they call it "Activity Center", but it's a GYM!!). Chills went up and down my spine when I first heard. You can imagine the images I conjured up in my mind. Cold, hard chairs. You know the type. Those cold, metal things that were not meant to hold as much as I try to put on them, and certainly not for the length of time required. AND we have to take notes at this meeting. I have never had a lap in my lifetime!

I reluctantly went to the meeting. I really wanted an easy way out, but couldn't come up with good reason to stay home. "Sorry, but I didn't want to sit on hard chairs 'cause my bottom goes numb" isn't a really spiritual response! When I finally got my car parked, I trecked across the grass into the "activity center" (aka GYM) and what did I find? Padded chairs AND tables!

I've been wanting tables for such a long time! I've downsized my Bible and upsized my magnification on my glasses (in order to see the tiny Bible) all to keep from having to maneuver so much stuff on my non-existent lap. The majority of these ladies are of average to lower than average weight (aka skinny and plum skinny!) and for them, the sight of padded chairs AND tables meant nothing. But to me, it was simply divine!!

At the end of the evening, I had to sort of laugh. Why on earth would I get so excited about padded chairs and tables? Because my Heavenly Father knew my "need" (or desire!) and met it. And why would He do such a thing? Because He can.

Father, may I never take You for granted. May I always bless you as you have blessed me. And thank You for padded chairs and tables that make my life easier sometime!

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