Monday, November 8, 2010

Little Is Much When God Is In It!

I had my first 'gold' party this weekend. You know the type - you get your friends to bring their gold and get paid for it. I had recently went to one that my cousin had - and I made over $600 off of small items, so I just knew everyone else would love to attend.

I set the date and began inviting people. Young, old...neighbors, coworkers, friends...everyone I could come in contact with. Many folks promised they'd come, and even said they had tons of gold. My mom invited folks who also said they'd come.

Then comes the day of the party. Several of those who had tons of gold and were definitely coming backed out on the last day. My heart sank. "Please, God - at least let me cover the cost of the food we've prepared."

The guests began arriving. Each coming in the door proclaiming "I don't have a lot of gold - but I figured I'd give it a shot." Again, my sinking heart just goes lower and lower. But we had a steady flow of people coming through.

About 3/4 of the way through, my friend told me that people were making tons of money (which in turn meant I was going to make money, too). When it was all over, I made over $900 from my friends coming to my house. Praise God!

But I began thinking about the folks who 'missed out' friend was offered almost $400 for some broken, kinked up gold - but she declined. Why? I don't know for sure - but did she think she could get a better offer elsewhere? And then there are those who promised to come - with their tons of gold - who backed out at the last minute. And then there were those who just blew off the opportunity. They weren't interested at all. I had provided them with a way to 'get rich quick'; to make money for the holidays....and they declined without thinking.

Then yesterday after our church service - it hit me. Aren't our lives like that? I felt tremendous sympathy for God as I thought of what He offers - so much more than money for gold - and what do we do? Some have a right relationship with Him and bring their 'little' to the relationship and allow Him to foster it and make much out of it. Some decline His offer - thinking they can find more somewhere else. Some promise to give Him their all - but they don't hold up their end of the bargain. And then there are those who ignore His call to something great - either out of indifference or ignorance.

Where do you find yourself today? Will you accept His generous offer and let Him do much with your little? Will you make grand promises to Him and back out? Or will you ignore Him?

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