Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You'll Never Believe This One!

We always start our Christmas Cantata practice around this time of the year. Yes, it's hard to get into the Christmas spirit with the weather running about 90 degrees each day, but if you crank the A/C in the car, you can do it!

Anyway, I finally put my CD into my car's cd player and listened to the first song. Not bad...but I had finished my trip, so inside I went. Then I started thinking of an old song we did in a past cantata. You know how your mind gets stuck on a song? Well that's what happened. Song was stuck...all night.

Listened to song #2 on the way to work. Then song #3 came on - and guess what? It was that song that was stuck in my head the night before!! Now I don't recall EVER listening to that song this CD. What in the world?

A "God thing" or a coincidence?

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