Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stickers and all!

I teach 4th graders in Sunday School at my church. This past Sunday's lesson was about how all of us have sinned, and that God gave us the ten commandments (law) to reflect the condition of our hearts. As a means of explanation for the children, I was to place a sticker on a child's forehead and ask how the child could 100% know what was on his/her forehead. The answer of course was to look in a mirror.

Well, last year I used some of the cute smiley faced stickers sent by "Highlights". For days I wondered, "where in the world did I put those stickers last year". Then on Saturday (the day before I am supposed to teach), guess what came in the mail? You got it! A brand new page of smiley faced stickers from "Highlights"!

Did I need those specific stickers? No. Did I want those stickers? You betcha. They fit right into the lesson illustration. Why did God provide those stickers like He did? Because HE is God, and because HE can.

God loves to provide for His children. But so many times - He gives extras. Extras just to let us know that He is paying attention to every detail. Don't you just love that about Him? He provides for our needs and sometimes our wants! Stickers and all!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Other Things I Just Want to Record.....

Last week was birthday week for our household. We celebrated my Mom's birthday in rare fashion...big night at the S&S cafeteria! LOL Once we got outside, my Mom said it sure would be nice to have a piece of Publix cake for her birthday.

Well since neither of us needs the temptation of a whole cake lying around, I discovered a few years ago that buying cake by the slice - although terribly expensive - was the best for us. So I drove down to Publix and got out of the car. As I was walking to the store, I remembered that my Mom loves cake with lemon filling. Not icing....lemon filling. So I prayed "Lord, please let there be a slice of cake in there - with lemon filling. After all, it's HER birthday."

So off to the cake counter I go. And guess what I found? ONE slice of cake with the icing she liked, and LEMON filling! I grabbed it (and one for myself - no lemon filling though!) and paid my way out of there.

When I got to the car, my Mom, who was waiting patiently, became almost child like with anticipation. She could not wait to see what I had in the bag. So I presented her with HER piece of cake...the one with lemon filling. She said "oh, good...I thought about telling you that I wanted a piece of cake with lemon filling, but I just didn't."

Again, "God thing" or coincidence ?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You'll Never Believe This One!

We always start our Christmas Cantata practice around this time of the year. Yes, it's hard to get into the Christmas spirit with the weather running about 90 degrees each day, but if you crank the A/C in the car, you can do it!

Anyway, I finally put my CD into my car's cd player and listened to the first song. Not bad...but I had finished my trip, so inside I went. Then I started thinking of an old song we did in a past cantata. You know how your mind gets stuck on a song? Well that's what happened. Song was stuck...all night.

Listened to song #2 on the way to work. Then song #3 came on - and guess what? It was that song that was stuck in my head the night before!! Now I don't recall EVER listening to that song this CD. What in the world?

A "God thing" or a coincidence?