Thursday, May 5, 2011

Court and Stuff

On August 21, 2009, my Mom and I were held robbed in our driveway. The robber pulled a hammer on us (that he'd stolen from under our carport), and insisted that we go into our house to get him some money. I sent my Mom on inside, and kept him detained outside until he demanded we go inside. All I kept thinking was 'he cannot come inside our house', so as he attempted to follow me inside, I slammed the door on him. My Mom came over to help me and we pressed the door and potentially broke his hand. We slid $5 through the open doorway and encouraged him to leave because the police were enroute. He did.

The police arrived, canvassed the area, took statements, etc. They arrested him across the street - broken hand and everything - and booked him on an unrelated charge. They got a DNA sample from him in jail, and 8 month later we were notified that the DNA results matched, and they were going to arrest him on our charges - 5 in all. Two counts of armed robbery, two counts of kidnapping, and one of breaking and entering. On June 29, 2010, he was arrested.

On March 31, 2011, we were attended his Motion for Bond hearing. I had to speak to the court - and face this robber - for the first time. I was terribly nervous, but made it through by the grace of God. Bond was denied. Immediately after the hearing, his attorney approached the solicitor - trying to resolve the case by plea agreement. The solicitor offered 10 years, having to serve 85% of the sentence. The robber agreed.

On April 18, 2001, we were to attend the sentencing. As we pulled into the parking lot of the courthouse, my Mom's phone rang. It was the solicitor's office - telling us he had withdrawn his agreement to the plea - and we would now go to trial at a later date.

I was livid, I was hurt, I was frustrated. Why in the world was this happening? It was difficult enough to face him in March and I was ready to get this over. I was even sick that morning, and forced myself to "make it" that day - and then this? Admittedly, I was doubting God's timing and judgment.

So the next morning, during my quiet time, I decided to read the chapter we were discussing in BSF - Isaiah 61 - when I came across this verse: “For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing. In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them. "

Wow! God Himself was speaking to me - telling me that HE HATES ROBBERY - and that He will reward His people. And such timing! There's no way it was a coincidence!! And when I think that God knew I needed that verse - and He arranged for our lessons to be from that

Oh - and as an update - we went back to court on May 9th (my spiritual birthday) and the robber pled guilty. He will be eligible for parole, but is slated to serve 15 years for the commission of this crime. If he gets paroled, he will have to pay us restitution. The guy apologized to us, and on the way out, the Judge gave us two 'thumbs up'. Wow!